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Jorge Dogwhisperer

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About us

I was born in Santiago of Chile in 1981. I grew up surrounded by dogs and always learning passionately about their behavior and the entire natural world through the different documentaries & magazines available. I had a very early nature call. I actually remember my father always said to me: ‘"Before you could speak a word you could identify the animals named". So for years to come the Santiago zoo in San Cristobal Hill was far the most exciting place to visit in town, not for keeping the poor animals in-caged but for having the chance to get close to them.

As soon as I became independent I started to travel the country with the internal mission of exploring the whole world. Now after nine years of nomadic adventures in a beautiful journey of learning and teaching in several parts of the globe, Africa undoubtedly has been an amazing unique experience :) I had the opportunity and pleasure of being part of the team in the Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique. I have spent some time in Kenya, Namibia and Botswana. Although most of my time I have spend it here in South Africa, where I feel an enchanting attraction to stay!

Here I’ve been not just learning about conservation and studying the local wild life (specially birds) but also correcting the behavior of dogs, cats, humans & other kind of animals ;)

Human? Or animal?

I’m not the one who considers himself an ‘outsider’ or ‘invader’, in the natural world, but the one who interacts with every creature that thanks to the wonderful synchronicity of life, cross my path. I’m mad enough to have touched a great white shark, caught a Puff-adder and chased the baboons out of the cabin. I just love to interact with every creature, I can’t help it!

Gift? Title? Knowledge?

Naturally in order to learn properly about something we must experience it, see it or investigate about it. I have always done own research but I think that it is important for everyone to realize, that via the connection that you have with... show more
Mother Earth, the sensitivity and power of healing and correction that you need in order to change things around will appear. No corporation/institution has ever taught or imposed their terms on my dog knowledge through out their education system or through buying the titles that they design for us. It is about connection & creation instead of to simply follow other’s procedures.

Our problem.

We as ‘civilized’ humans, forget sometimes that we are sharing our space with territorial animals. Some people wish to give them a ‘happy’ humanized life: mounts of treats, affection/attention and other guarantees without the establishment of boundaries and many times without exposing the animal to a proper early socialization, unbalancing them dis proportionately. So eventually they develop unpleasant behaviors like territoriality, aggressiveness and anxiety as for example.

If masters don’t show dominance over their territory, dog will naturally assume the role of applying it and there is where some problems can start (leaving aside the pacifists dogs of course!). Sometimes we pass our system of routines onto them, sometimes we don’t communicate properly with them or don´t understand them... sometimes we simply don’t teach them how we need them to behave.

So what's the deal with you chico latino?

People contact me because they’re having troubles with their pets: jumping on people, barking, pulling, destroying things, scratching doors, over excitement, pee inside the house, fear, aggressiveness, traumas, etc, etc so we arrange a visit where I must find the root of the this bad behavior. It can depend on many facts like the character of the animal, space available, company, routines, surroundings, neighbors dogs, master’s personality, etc. So I have to ‘enchant’ (or correct depending the situation) and restore the hierarchy of the pack, where I'll make sure to place the masters at the very top position.

I do teach how to become a successful alpha leader and the always necessary positive reinforcement plus my techniques of ‘enchanting’, resulting all this in the best training to turn you into the best trainer for your dog ;)

Usually it takes me just one single session to bring the entire solution to the homes. But the aggression & the trauma requires more effort, time, patience and creativity in order to succeed. Let alone trying back home those "free soul boys"..

Themes like animal communication, dog behavior, pack life, dominance, tolerance, positive reinforcement, activities, real nutrition, etc, will be touched and I'll make sure to sort out all your questions.

Whisperer?? Lol..

The term ”Whispering” it is just a marketing thing. However I could say that it is about to apply an enchanting energy and technique in order to gain the attention and disposition of the dog. Some few times the love at first sight simply doesn't work! XD

Anything else Mr super Whisperer?

I do also host, train dogs and lead group socialization sessions for dogs & masters, where people that is unsure of their dog’s reactions can bring their dogs to me. I will correct the dog’s wrong approaches and lead the socialization carefully step by step. The masters will learn the techniques necessary to successfully handle their dog in each scenario and I will sort out basic questions about behavior.

To my canine guests I assure them shelter, guidance, company, correction of bad habits, activities, socialization with other dogs and principally a BALANCE in their lifes.

To my clients, I guarantee their satisfaction of a solid psychological service, a joyful training and a satisfactory answer/solution by any future message seeking advice.

No, I won't make you use silly tools as for treat your dogs as the whole solution is within us!

I can be contact at 0820500470, also email me on: thedogwhisperer33@gmail.com or by Facebook through this very same page Jorge.

Looking forward hearing from you!

Kind Regards

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10 recommendations and reviews from 10 people

  • Referral from February 25, 2016
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  • Referral from October 2, 2014
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  • Referral from September 8, 2014
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