Hoping you ladies could help me out! :)
Do you know of any good, reputable sources online where I could find a good article about organic feeding concepts? It can be for any domestic species of animal! I need to do an annotated bibliography on that subject. I've tried Hoard's and Progressive Dairymen as well as nearly every bovine magazine i can find online, google scholar, merek vet manual, plain google, DVM360, VeterinaryTeamBrief, and many others and have struck out. :'(
(Looking for stuff in the US.)
Starting to get frustrated here!! Help please!
My other two subjects I need to find an article for are:
- Corn as a bio-fuel vs. grain prices
- GMOs in feed
(I'm not looking for any kind of debate on any of this! I'm literally just looking to see if anyone knows of any good sources for articles for these! The subjects are assigned.)
Thank you!"