Sara is a nutrition lifestyle consultant with a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics. She has had a lifelong passion for culinary art, nutrition and the holistic sensory experience of food. Her expertise in the field of dietetics and nutrition includes extensive education, training and experience in culinary, agricultural, clinical and community applications. This broad and deep acumen provides the foundation for her consulting practice. Her professional mission is to enable sustainable change in dietary lifestyle habits as a means to affect and improve physical and emotional well-being.
Sara has a genuine, compassionate approach to working with people. This stems from her deeply-held belief that honesty, trust and vulnerability lead to genuine, lasting change. Hence the business name, “All On The Table.” Everything on the table, nothing held back. This accountability and empowerment, created between Sara and her clients, and sustained by the client, are at the core of her mission. This is exemplified by her slogan “I’ll hustle with you - let’s get you what you want!” She is committed to creating the belief that food and nutrition should be delicious, empowering and, ultimately, satisfying and enjoyable in every way.”