ISO veterinary hospital that does orthopedic surgeries? Doesn't have to be in Wake Forest but if anyone has someone they'd recommend, we are willing to travel and we'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much!
Recommendations for Orthopedic Vet Hi /r/triangle, my wife and I are looking for any recommendations for orthopedic vets in the area for knee surgery. Our Shepard tore at least her ACL some how last night and need to get second opinions as well hopefully some experiences with vets whom have performed knee surgeries in the area.
DrLionelRaymond replied:
NC State would be my first choice as well, but I'll also recommend Dr. Gary Spodnick at [Veterinary Specialty Hosptial in Cary]( He has worked miracles for us in the past and was on the faculty at NC State for many years before moving into private practice. He also has plenty of experience with Shepards and VHS has a history of working with police dogs (typically Shepards). Even if they aren't the best choice for this particular situation, they are a great place to be aware of as they offer emergency + surgical care 24/7/365. Best of luck with the ACL repair.
Does anyone know of any vets in the area open on Sundays besides North Wake or an emergency vet? I think one of my dogs has an abscess in her mouth and I don't know if I want to wait until Monday to have it checked out.
Just found an orange tabby kitten in the middle of the road. It is obviously injured. I think is was hit by a car. Is there any place I can take it around here?
I need recommendations for a good vet. I really don't want to drive to Kittrel if I don't have to. I am not really happy with the new people at North Wake and I'm not so sure about Tar River Vet in youngsville either.
Lynne D. replied:
Take the drive to Kittrell for Darch. For emergencies off of Capital in N Raleigh. Not far from WF and they're great AND reasonable!!