Can anyone suggest a GREAT vet in Queens? Since I have had Scrappy I have taken him to Howard Beavh Animal Clinic. It's close and was familiar with them. But when Scrappy had skin problems had to take him to Specialist I found because the Meds from my regular veg did nothing. Then for his palate surgery I took him to Staten Island which was great. But too far for regular visits. But today Scrappy's Ear is red and he has scratched into bleeding. I call my vet and their response was "Not today we are too busy". He has thrown up all his food, won't stop throwing himself against walls and he is beyond out of breathe I tell them but I still get "we will take a message" Thankfully another locale vet has taken him but HOWARD BEACH ANIMAL CLINIC thanks for nothing and better yet still waiting on the call back from the vet after I said it was urgent.