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About us

“You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.”

― Oscar Wilde ―

Hi there, my name is Emma. I’m a portrait and travel documentary photographer, I also shoot a limited number of weddings a year. That’s me in a 100 year old noodle restaurant in Matsumoto. I live in Bath with my husband, sleepy tabby cat and manic lurcher.

I started taking photography when I was in art college, studying Graphic Design and have since moved onto careers that bring the best out in my creativity. This is reflected in my work and how I document life. I love finding that light and capturing how raw life can be. Listening to my fears is what drives my passions and motivates me to push myself towards that next adventure. There is always something good lost amongst the noise.

I love to travel and seek out new knowledge that leaves me inspired. One of my fave places is Japan, my second home, it stole my heart. Playing video games is a big part of my life, I love the stories, the creativity and immersive experience. Anything sci-fi goes in our household, the weird and wonderful are always welcome.

I believe that life is full of dark days and sunny days, and it all deserves to be captured. Email me via the contact page if you would like to know any more and please feel free to browse through the galleries above for examples of my work.

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