Places to donate money to in Columbus? Good morning! In lieu of giving Christmas presents this year, I’m donating my bonus to charity. I’m wondering what the best places to donate to in central Ohio are.
A friend of mine said that local homeless shelters and food pantries are usually in need. I’d love some recommendations if anyone knows a good place to donate to.
I plan on donating some resources to an animal shelter as well, but I’m looking only for recommendations for organizations helping people.
bacon_music_love replied:
I'm a big fan of [The Legal Aid Society of Columbus]( It's a non-profit that provides legal services to a variety of low-income, elderly or otherwise disadvantaged people. They do a lot of work on domestic violence divorce/custody proceedings and helping human/sex trafficking victims.
Anyone know a good small claims court attorney? Our roommate bailed on us/ the lease :(
Christine R. replied:
Small claims court is generally done without an attorney. You need an attorney to review the lease to see what your obligations/responsibilities are with your lease. Try they can put you in touch with someone.