Looking for suggestions for inexpensive futon or mattress for floor I'm looking to get a mattress or maybe a Japanese futon to replace my current bed. I'm in my mid-40s with some back problems so I want to get some suggestions or hear some experiences from others here before buying something that may make the pain issues worse.
Account115 replied:
I am laying on this self inflating camping mat in the airport waiting on a flight right now and will sleep on it tonight when i get home. It provides better back support than most air mattresses and is better than a cheapo mattress. http://www.wildernessx.com/hiker-2 nds-2016.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwwqXMBRCDARIsAD-AQ2 hlkHzsifs8SB-DI-po4 vZpg_I3JEHFgvVe7XO4 oOBljuLMeHoIU6 kaAkE-EALw_wcB#92=1484&167=851