Looking for the best gym/instructor in Fort Worth, TX or DFW area Moving back home soon after finishing school and I wanted to see if anyone had information about the best place to train in the DFW metroplex area?
CareBerimbolo replied:
I'm biased to where you should go (slothbjjtx.com) but that's because I'm the head instructor there. First off - WHERE are you going to be living and then I'll give you recommendations based off that depending on what you want to achieve. Even if I'm not the best fit I'm happy to be honest and forth coming that "hey XYZ would fit you better" I'm sending you a number so you can text me for "off the record" advice too if needed.
dflemingsss replied:
Ain't that where Sloth bjj is at? I think it's worth checking him out since he's big in the community on here.