Dog Trainer Recommendations Wondering if anyone has a dog trainer they'd recommend.
I have a mixed breed who weighs about 75lb, and is 7 yrs old. I got him when he was 2 as a rescue. He is great with people, and pretty happy-go-lucky. Super enthusiastic and waggy.
But he has a dominance issue. Whenever he meets a dog close to his size (especially males) he does the whole head-over-the-other-dog's-neck thing. Last week this kind of behavior led to a fight where he bit a dog. The dog is ok, but I'm not. If I can't trust him around other dogs I'll never let him off leash again, which makes me super sad.
Also, he kicks at the grass after pooping. And he doesn't always come when called.
If anyone has used a trainer for these types of issues who they really liked, I'd appreciate a recommendation!