Rewind to a time and place of simplicity. Havana is a time capsule, capturing the essence of a place where life was about living, time was about enjoying and there is nothing but the present moment. We are pleased to bring you a retreat where you can experience yoga in a way you’ve never seen before. This 7 day retreat will take you through a journey discovering your 7 chakras, exploring Havana city, deepening your yoga practice while nourishing your body with delicious organic food.
Upcoming dates:
Oct 31 - Nov 6 with Clotilde Chaumet Nov 7 - 14 with Jan Norman Nov 15 - 22 with Louise Mcdonald Nov 22 - 29 with Kathy Parsons Feb 6 - 13 with Jan Norman Feb 21 - 28 with Kathryn Bruni Young & Diane Bruni March 6 - 13 with Leigh Milne March 4 - 20 with April Pucia