Local friends, can you recommend an integrated physician in either NJ or NYC who specializes in hormonal testing/balancing? I need a referral for a client.
Thank you!
Kimberly I. replied:
Dr Elizabeth Lee Vliet (Tucson AZ) is the very BEST dr in the country for ovarian hormone testing & treatment. Ive been her patient 4 yrs. if you cannot travel.. I highly recommend visiting her web, herplace.com & listening to her past iTunes radio shows & reading her consumer books, especially "It's my Ovaries, Stupid!" before doing anything. They are excellent for consumer education. She's on youtube as well. She has 30+ yrs in practice & is international-research based in her work. I would be very careful. I am a R.N. & I"ve been to many of these "Integrative/Functional medicine" and "holistic" practitioners.Stay away from Borenstein & Patient's medical. Some caveats: Blood tests are gold standard for hormone testing now as per research, not Saliva, it's been proven unreliable. Nothing is 100% but blood is much more accurate .Beware if your Dr or NP says you are "estrogen dominant" and all they want to do is Rx progesterone, especially if you have NO uterus, it's for PMS or "for balancing" & without a even blood test to check your level! if your Dr wants to prescribe mostly "compounded" estrogen or thyroid meds, ask why?? Armour thyroid is NOT necessarily superior to Synthroid, & we have LOTS of commercially prepared, bio-identical natural estrogen in patches/gels/pills available from your pharmacy & your insurance probably covers them. They are more stable than the compounded stuff. If your doctor wants to compound everything or worse asks the pharmacist to determine the dosage..that's just wrong, that is HIS job, & Pharmacists should not be practicing medicine. Be very careful also with the diagnosis of "adrenal fatigue"...it is very rare, unless you actually have Addison's disease, & don't jus take cortisol (as Borenstein gave me)...I could go on & on, but your hormones are way too critical to entrust to anyone.