Cortes Island? Anyone know of trainers or positive-training knowledgeable people on Cortes Island, or any trainers who travel to Cortes or Quadra Island? (I realise this Group can only publicly recommend VIATA trainers.)
A family contacted me about adopting a dog. From their adoption application form and admission they aren't knowledgeable about training/behaviour, they will need an "easy" dog. Although I haven't found any suitable matches yet, once they adopt, if they have any "issues," I'd like them to have someone ON Cortes (or maybe Quadra) who can meet their dog, suggest reading material, suggest they contact a trainer, speak with a trainer on their behalf (explain what is happening with the dog), etc.
While a novice dog owner, the mom wrote she'd like to take obedience classes (on Cortes? Quadra? Campbell River?) and is super keen to read, watch DVDs, and learn about training. I suspect they'd be willing to contact a trainer via phone, but having someone local, even just to be a go-between between them and the trainer, would be comforting for me (and I suspect for from whomever they adopt). :-)