What are the best part time preschools in the area?
Teniah H. replied:
Jamie please feel free to call Elite next week and we can set up a time for you to tour our school if you are interested. I'm excited to meet you!😊 704-786-1307
Jennifer T. replied:
Elite Preschool
Jenny G. replied:
Elite preschool
Beth C. replied:
Elite Preschool on Motorsports is excellent! My daughter loves going every day.
Aditi S. replied:
Elite Preschool!
DeAnna T. replied:
Elite preschool Teniah Hilton ull love it
Cassie S. replied:
Elite Preschool
Shana H. replied:
Elite Preschool is awesome. My daughter Layla went there and is doing awesome in school now because of it. The TK teachers had her reading full books before she left the school. Amazing Teachers, Amazing gym.