I need help, suggestions, advice. Sorry in advance for graphic explanation lol. My Piper is very uncomfortable. I took her to the vet and thought we needed to check her anal glands...turns out she might have an irritation/infection around her tail. He did give us antibiotics but that is awful to try and apply...she cries/yelps like it hurts and it breaks my heart. Part of her tail is really hard and there is a bad odor...it is not her anal glands, we had them check those so not sure if there is something I can do to help her be more comfortable. What can I use to clean the tail area good? What can I use in the bathtub to bathe her in that area? I was told there might be possibility for having part of her tail removed later down the road. I watched the vet apply the ointment but I still don't know if I am doing it enough or right. I am sad for her....I would like any help or suggestions. Thank you.