Looking for an excellent Vet for our dog Alfie. She has been sick for several weeks. We took her to Banfield because she was throwing up. They checked her liver enzymes and they were very high. They put her on antibiotics and after a week she was not getting any better and her liver enzymes were worse so they recommended we take her to Center for Veterinary Specialty Care and ER over in Coppell . After three nights there on 3 antibiotics, etc she seemed to get better so we brought her home after paying over $5000 in Vet bills. She is still on 4 antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Enrofloxin, Doxycycline and Flagyl), an antinausea drug called Cerenia and Omeprazal to protect her stomach. They did not make a diagnosis but suspect Leptospiro infection. After two nights home she now won't eat and is throwing up again. We are having a hard time getting her to take the pills too. We have lost faith in their care and suspect they are milking us to pay for that very fancy facility. We need to take her elsewhere so anyone with a similar experience who can recommend a Vet would be greatly appreciated.