Hey everyone! Just moved to Bridgeport and looking for a physical therapist & pediatrician in the Mammoth area. If you have one to recommend that would be amazing!! Thanks!
Heather H. replied:
Heather H. replied:
Yes, Dr. Wilson! Also agree, Sierra park pt is wonderful. Mammoth hospital as a whole is great. :)
Heather H. replied:
Oh, and mammoth hospital has every department you might need. Pediatrics, women's health, family clinic, physical therapy, sports medicine, E.R. etc... Check out their website. :)
Erin S. replied:
There is a Mammoth Hospital doc clinic in Bridgeport also, Wilson and Conrad are both great, PT at the hospital is the best, SPORT center. To be fair there is a PT who rents space out of Snowcreek Athletic Club in Mammoth but that's it for options
Allie M. replied:
I go to SPORT at mammoth hospital. Tim Tollefsen and Rachel Georgeson and her husband, Lance, are all phenomenal physical therapists!