Great Pediatrician needed! Hi everyone,
My husband and I are moving to Ann Arbor in the summer with our 2 kids \(3 yo girl and 2 yo boy\) to be closer to family. We currently have the greatest pediatrician and I'm very sad to be leaving him but unfortunately, a trip to Los Angeles for doctor's appointments is a little too far. We will more than likely be living in the northwestern part of AA \(not 100% sure on that\) but presumably it's not a big deal to drive anywhere in the city for a great doctor \(is that true??\). I'd love to find somebody that's very caring, science/evidence\-minded, level headed, and open to questions/input/opinions from us \(parents\) as the people that know our kids best. Anybody have a recommendation???
Thank you so much!
sryan2k1 replied: They are 1000% amazing. Of the dozen or so families we know (including us) who have young kids, we all go here. All of the Dr.'s are amazing and when we had our first daughter they were still doing rounds at UMich.
Can anyone recommend a pediatrician? We currently go to IHA peds in Brighton but I need a place that has better experience/knowledge of reflux and breastfeeding. TY!!!
Patricia R. replied:
Dr seiler 734 994-5858 this is where me and Johna I think u will like it