Looking for a plumber/handyman recommendation I am looking for a plumber or handy person that can help me repair a 1/2 inch copper pipe that broke. I have no experience soldering, so I don't want to try DIY, but it looks like a relatively simple job.
Long story short, I was trying to replace the cold water boiler drain because the old washer hose corroded over it and the spigot was broken. Turns out the boiler drain was pretty corroded too where it attaches to the 1/2" copper pipe, so it broke at that joint in the wall. I had a plumber come out and ended up capping it off because the quote was pretty high and he told me that I could almost certainly do it cheaper.
Edit: [Here are some photos.](http://imgur.com/a/iv8RU) First photo is of the break. Second photo is boiler drain I was trying to replace and the third photo is everything in its failed DIY glory.
tl;dr - Don't start DIY plumbing projects at 5pm on a Friday.
tl;dr2 - Don't start DIY plumbing projects when you're me.