Hivemind, I have an idea, but no way to realize it. I'm thinking of converting my very small house into a duplex and the freestanding 2-car garage into a tiny house, creating a total of three very small independent living spaces on the same property that I can live in and share with like-minded souls. Naturally, I don't have anywhere near the funds to accomplish this on my own, but I have this notion that I might be able to obtain some sort of funding in return for transferring ownership of the property to the right investor. I would want to retain control of the endeavor long as I live here, but I don't need any income from it, and would be happy to act as manager and pay rent so that 100% of the revenue ended up in the investor's pocket. I would prefer it to be someone with the stated goal of promoting progressive, affordable community living. Anyone have experience with the feasibility of such a project? Suggestions?