Does anyone have a coffee shop with a good game collection? Do you a local coffee shop with a strong gaming community?
Dave K. replied:
Thank you for asking Larry , ...shameless plug here: Here in the San Gabriel Valley (east of Los Angeles) we do not have one. So 5 friends and I formed a llc in January, and are signing the lease agreement for the location this week. The Historic Aztec Hotel 301 W Foothill (Route 66) Monrovia California 91016 We are building our library and will have 250 titles before we open, feel free to email suggestions to our Board Game Officer Steven . Additionally we will launch a kickstarter in April for more games, better lighting, better seating and custom board gaming tables. to mention just a few things. Wish us luck, and share your visit on THE BOARDGAME GROUP to get 1/2 off the first time you access to the library.