Looking for an in-home pet sitter Hi there! We are looking for an in-home pet sitter to care for our pets when we (eventually) go on vacation. Who have you had a good experience with? We have had pretty bad experiences with companies that use contractors (i.e. City Kitty) or gig employees (i.e. Rover). We are in Havana Heights if that helps. Thank you for any suggestions you might have!
Edit: Thank you for your suggestions! I'll check them out!
agentgman replied:
I have used [High Plains Tailblazers](http://www.mytailblazers.com/) several times and they have done a great job.
Ok, they are HighplainsTailblazers. 303-699-8622kira.tailblazers@gmail.com Training Center & Dog Wash 4560 S Reservoir Rd. Centennial, CO 80015 Tuesday-Saturday:10 am-6 pm Sunday:10 am-5 pm Monday: closed