Looking for a vet that is willing to do a house call. Looking for a vet that is willing to do a house call. Have a buddy, he’s a Vet and he’s got a sick service dog with cancer that is going to have to put down in the next few days. Really hoping to find someone that can go to his house to take care of it, he wants to bury him in his back yard. If you know of anybody, I would really appreciate it. I can help take care of the details.
Boldine replied:
That's tough, so sorry for your buddy. Call Mount Rose Animal Hospital- [(775) 853-8550](https://www.google.com/search?q=mount+rose+animal&rlz=1C1ZKTG_enUS878US878&oq=mount+rose+animal+&aqs=chrome..69 i57.4585 j0 j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#) \- we are patients, but they did come out to one of our dogs when we needed them. If they can't, may be they know someone who will make a house call.