Welcome to our Facebook Community! The Peter Tuttle Insurance Facebook page is a place to share ideas, discuss stories and gain valuable information for both your business and a healthy lifestyle. We ask that participants adhere to the following guidelines:
If you have a comment about specific issues (like a recent claim), please contact us VIA E-MAIL with your contact information and policy number so that we can assist you. These types of posts/comments to the Facebook wall may be removed for privacy concerns. Stay on topic and keep it clean. We'll remove comments that are vulgar, offensive, or include personal attacks. Keep it safe. Please don't post personal information. No soliciting. Third-party advertisements and posts that promote or solicit are not allowed. Other ways to contact us Phone 615-377-5550
Please remember While Peter Tuttle Insurance maintains a presence on Facebook, our official Peter Tuttle Insurance page, www.facebook.com/TuttleInsurance, is hosted by Facebook and subject to their terms of use. Facebook is a third-party entity unaffiliated with Peter Tuttle Insurance. Peter Tuttle Insurance is not responsible for the use of or for the privacy or security policies or content of Facebook or any other third-party site that may be linked to from Facebook. Please consider reviewing the privacy and legal notices of all websites prior to use. By posting to this page, you agree to be bound by these Guidelines, as well as Facebook's terms of use and privacy guidelines.
Comments made by the public are not always verified, and do not necessarily reflect the views, policies or practices of Peter Tuttle Insurance. By using this page, you agree to the following: 1: You accept personal jurisdiction in the United States of America, State of Tennessee and your actions will be governed exclusively by the laws of the United States of America, State of Tennessee. 2: You grant Peter Tuttle Insurance the permanent, irrevocable and fully transferable right to reproduce your... show more
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What car insurance would you guys recommend for a new driver financing a vehicle? I've been doing online quotes and I can't find anything below 300 dollars a month