Earlier today I posted a request for recommendations for dog groomer. Little dog lots of hair. Overwhelmingly, people pointed me to Sam's. Ok. I call Sam's to make an appointment. Lots of questions about what kind of haircut. Ummmm.... It was my mom's dog. She passed away and I don't know. Which I say out loud. You know what? The gal on the phone stops asking me questions. She offers condolences and really offers her empathy and sweet kindness. It's been hard to lose my mom. Sweet to have a little living piece of her with us and the gal on the phone gave me the greatest sense that they would do right by my mom and us and our new sweet boy. I'm excited for our appt. Had I called another place they may have done same. But I called Sam's and I was touched. I thought I'd let people know. (Btw, I came across a couple Sam's employees the other day when trying to UPS and went to wrong place, asked if they knew and they were very kind and helpful - even though it wasn't their business I was looking for). Sam's has good peeps! I'm a fan.