Anonymous post no. 2685
In-Home Care Services for the Elderly
We are currently looking at having a family member assessed for In-Home care services by ACAT, who will also determine if she is indeed able to stay at home with care, or if she needs to go to a Nursing Home. We have only just discovered that the old system of possibly going to "Low Care/Hostel Accommodation" before maybe moving into "High Care/Nursing Home Accommodation" has now been replaced with all homes being Nursing Homes, and the old "Low Care" care being done as "In-Home" care done in the person's home. We have accepted what has to happen will happen, but want to look at all options. We have been told that there are "Private In-Home Care" companies, that you can get to do initial services (or additional services to those once approved through the Govt.), but at quite an hourly cost. We just want to give this family member the best quality of life left that we can, but of course, we are no different to everyone, there is a limit to what is affordable. Has anyone had experience with the Private Care providers (the hospital gave us the leaflets of the major companies and they do look great), and does anyone know of other private companies/or perhaps individuals (semi-retired nurses?) who may also be available to provide affordable care in the person's home.
Thank you for any information/experience you may have.