in search of a good morgage broker, knowledgeable in first time home buying, credit repair , etc....
Larry S. replied:
Michelle Chelle Klingman helped my friends, first time buyers, get a mortgage rather easily. She has a thorough understanding the mortgage markets and credit reports. Call her at 919-414-6900
Michelle K. replied:
Heather.. I see that you are seeking a Mortgage Professional to work with.. I often work with potential home buyers for up to a year or more in the process of helping get in that better position that they can buy..and often that process can be much quicker than you think! Let's see where you are and move in that right direction... Chelle 919-414-6900
Bill H. replied:
Ditto on Michelle Chelle Klingman
Warren S. replied:
Michelle Klingman is my absolute first referral for any client I work with. She is knowledgeable, professional and an overall great lady.