Does any one have any experience or recommendations for a physical therapist? I have used Star in the past and was very unhappy with them. I have a number of knee issues, have had surgeries, and right now I'm trying to avoid another one. My doctor, who I dearly love, said I could go to anyone I wanted to for physical therapy. My first big knee operation was 17 years ago and the physical therapist was great. Sadly the world of medicine has changed a lot and my work at Star back in May after the latest surgery was a joke and a waste of time. Allyson Moman Shumate did far more for me than they did and Ally isn't a physical therapist! But my insurance won't pay for Ally to rehab a knee, so I need someone for a few visits, at least until I can learn what I'm supposed to do. But I want someone who will stand there and be sure I'm doing what I'm supposed to do, challenge me to do more, and work harder, and not be across the room talking to a co-worker while I'm doing basically nothing. Any suggestions would be appreciated.