I don't see any recommendations for nutritionists or dietitians. I'm looking for someone who is licensed not a "coach".
Lori W. replied:
Claudette Novak is awesome. She is on FB
Matt C. replied:
Sarah Georgehttps://www.facebook.com/sarah.george.58367?fref=ts
Gloria S. replied:
Ranan Cohen is excellent. He holds hours at Holistic Family Practice. One thing I really like and respect about him is that he does not also try to sell you products.....he recommends, but is not making money from selling you supplements you can only get from him.
Carole T. replied:
Olga Cameron. 978 270-4345
Carole T. replied:
Olga,s web page www.nutri-adjustment.com
Ari H. replied:
Dr Dan Eyink. His office is in Newburyport, next to Lynchs Pharmacy. He has a MD, shifted from western medicine to eastern medicine a few years ago; and he and his staff offer acupuncture and nutrition/wellness programs.
Gloria S. replied:
I have heard very good things about Dr Dan, however, I would be cautious about doing Nutrition Response Testing. My personal experience is that it is not as accurate as the practitioners like to claim, and often it leads to the practitioner selling you proprietary supplements which you are told to take in much larger quantities than is recommended on the box and a pretty high cost. Additionally, the supplements themselves (usually Standard Process) are not always the best choice if you have other health concerns. JMHO.
It really depends on what kind of nutritionist you want and what the purpose for your visit is. There are many different types (standard RDA type, holistic, fitness, etc). I had a good experience with Ranan Cohen. He has office hours at Holistic Family Practice. He is very knowledgeable. Additionally (and very important to me) he did not try to sell me supplements, but rather, he recommended interventions and supplements that I could buy on my own. I do not particularly like those practitioners who recommend and then also sell products as it feels like a conflict of interest.
Crystal H. replied:
Claudette Novak in Amesbury on Elm Street. Excellent!
Carole T. replied:
Olga Cameron,978 270-4345, works from her home in Salisbury
Susan G. replied:
Claude Novak! Elm Street Amesbury
Melissa D. replied:
Claudette Novak...she works out of her house on elm st....(not sure if she retired)
Darleen W. replied:
Pentucket medical - Marcia Sikorski is very nice not pushy
Pat K. replied:
Eileen Behan, RDH. She is with CORE Physicians,Hampton and Exeter. SHe's the best!