Anyone have a recommendation for an employment lawyer Looking for recommendations for an employment lawyer. Someone who deals with workplace harassment(not sexual...
is_it_five_yet replied:
Still work there or no? Depending on the situation, this can be an EEOC charge which are simple to file with the DOL. I'd start there
wspcane replied:
PM me. My fiancé is an employment attorney and does consultations for free.
FirstForFun44 replied:
Ahhhhh welcome to Atlanta, I've probably had a case more than once, but finding a new job was always more profitable. It's amazing.
regalphilbin replied:
Michelle Wein, These are all her specialties.
Greetings, does anyone know a good employment attorney? If so, could you please inbox me their contact information and a little bit about them? Thank you kindly! :-)