Hi there sorry silly question: I've got a beginners set up but finding it a bit slow (mainly use it as a commuter and for a bit of cruising). Where can I go to upgrade...
Mohd H. replied:
Tim B. replied:
70 mm wheels are pretty standard, if you are cruising don't worry about the shape of the wheel, but keep in mind that a premium wheel will roll better. For bearings, it's not too important, any decent set will do, and if you keep them dry they will last. These will both serve well: http://www.hyperride.co.nz/product/longboard-wheels/402/4-president-purple-70 mm-83 a/123867/detailhttp://www.hyperride.co.nz/product/longboard-wheels/402/road-rippers-red-70 mm-78 a/1134619/detail