I need a trademark attorney referral. can anyone reccomend someone reputable?
Mark P. replied:
I can't specifically recommend an attorney, even though I once worked in a law office with such an attorney. (I've lost touch with him, since that Chicago law office has closed.) www.trademarkia.com is a web site offers filing and registration online. However, I suspect that what you really seek is someone to mediate a dispute over an infringement of one of your own trademarks. Can't help you there.
Mark P. replied:
I remember learning about trademark in relation to music and band names, in a book by Kenny Rogers entitled "Making It With Music". (http://www.amazon.com/Making-It-With-Music-Business/dp/006465091X) It was published in 1978, so it's way out of date, I suspect. But I recall that Kenny said that one had to do some kind of Interstate commerce in order to qualify for a trademark. Anything involving the Internet would almost certainly qualify.
Mark P. replied:
See http://www.uspto.gov/faq/trademarks.jsp#_Toc275426713
Haley H. replied:
Ethan Shaw or John Cowart with Shaw Cowart, LLP!!!!!!
Does anyone have a recommendation for a good trademark lawyer located in Austin?
Erin P. replied:
Yes. dougjennings@gmail.com
Richmond D. replied:
Christopher C. replied:
Raman Dewan listed above is a good man, very intelligent and at the top of the game. Thanks Richmond Baxter Dewan for the reminder!
Eddy R. replied:
Bob Villhard attended the Hispanic Hackers meetup in January and had some very valuable advice about provisional patents for startups. He also has a blog with some useful information: http://villhardpatents.blogspot.com/
Looking for a trademark lawyer. Any recommendations?
Zane M. replied:
Randy R. replied:
Jim K. replied:
Bill Hulsey in Austin is Internationally recognized for Trademarks and Patents. He's done all my work for years and is excellent! http://hulseyiplaw.com/
Hello, Austin Startups! Can someone point me in the direction of a good trademark lawyer in town, or perhaps a post about trademark lawyers that already exists in this...