Iphone repair? Gf's iphone needs a battery replacement, and the apple stores in the area are apparently booked through armageddon. Also, her phone is apparently outside...
Robo-boogie replied:
Capitol Mac does it with genuine Apple parts in store
bmorebio replied:
Actually just recently walked into Apple without an appointment and they saw us to fix a phone within 20 mins. Just make sure you go during a slow time--Friday night is apparently a great time to go!
Jeremy1026 replied:
What model phone is it? The 4/4S is dead simple to replace. 5/5 s is a bit more involved but still home doable. Haven't taken apart a 6 yet.
Does anyone know how to fix the home button on an iPhone?/How much does it cost to get Apple to fix it?
Sprint F. replied:
If you ever need to replace it HMU. We'll get you a new iPhone right away. https://ping.kickfactory.com/r?u=https://www.sprint.com/landings/iphone-forever/index_p.html%3FECID%3DSM:TW:E:SprintForward:iPhone7:12202016&kf_tnl=6U4F3QWATX1Z9RPCN7LHJD5GK ^JH