Looking for part time job in dennis!
Willing to do babysitting or house or pet sitting
Ive done pet and house sitting for a teacher and several family friends
Heather B. replied:
Wouldn't it be nice to be out having fun while you get paid!!! Going to concerts, movies, the beach, vacation and so much more!!!! Also, a great leadership program so if you want to build a career and make a difference in so many people's lives!! Happiness Happens Here!! We have homes on both sides of the bridge and all over the cape. Community Systems, Inc. of Cape Cod and Plymouth is looking to add some high energy, career oriented people to our team. Work in a positive community of people who truly care about helping others to find happiness. Positions available for evenings and overnights, full time and part time including weekends. Have fun at work helping people with disabilities to be out in their communities enjoying life! Check out our website: www.communitysystems.org for more information. We have competitive salaries and exceptional benefits including four weeks earned leave your first year, tuition reimbursement, health club reimbursement, great staff appreciation parties, and so much more. Wouldn't it be great to love your job!!! We are having a job fair so come to our office on July 13, 2017 from 9:00am-4:00pm 18 years in July and I still love my job!!