Anyone knows the name of this Hair stylist name Panny Serano or Fani Serano . . pls anyone can give it to me . .i need to inquire something . .thanks Fili Friends . . .
Search his salon Fanny Serrano Salon...may FB sya dito
Princess F. replied:
FANNY TF SERRANONovember 27, 2014 · FANNY SERRANO SALON is located at no. 34-A Sct. Madrinan St., Brgy. South Triangle, Tomas Morato Extension, Quezon City. You may give us a call at telephone numbers 3511698; 3513329 and 3513245 for any of your salon requirements (hair & make-up, haircut, hair color, hair spa, rebond, brazilian blow-out, manicure, pedicure, etc..) We will be more than glad to be of service to you. Because everyone deserves to feel and look beautiful smile emoticon Have a blessed day, everyone! smile emoticon