Who knows acupuncture/Chinese medicine and Russian? Someone has offered to translate parts of A Manual of Acupuncture into Russian and has in fact sent some samples. But...
Heiko L. replied:
contact this guy http://vitalis.co.nz/
Andy J. replied:
You could try asking Slava at: http://slavasvi.com/
Robert B. replied:
Alla Malko, Violeta Kalveliene
Peter D. replied:
I wonder if anyone has any knowledge/experience/expertise in translating technical Chinese medicine terms into Russian. Is there some kind of standard of translation, a Chinese-Russian traditional medical dictionary or does each individual translator decide for themselves.
Barak G. replied:
My man Ilia Visloguzov, is a student for Chinese medicine, he allways read for us texts from Russian so I gess he most know some 'russochinese'
Ann C. replied:
Check with Yefim G.. he is pretty good.
Peter D. replied:
Gosh so many answers so quickly! Julia, I wonder if I could have your regular email address (send to mine: peter@jcm.co.uk). But another verdict would be good so please keep suggestions coming. Very grateful!
Effie L. replied:
Larisa RadaevaLaris
David B. replied:
Dinara Mirzakarimova?
Zac P. replied:
Veronica Bogomazova
Nisan C. replied:
Tatyana Dragunas may be able to help.
Daniel M. replied:
Olga Fedina
Aïcha S. replied:
Zia Romani
Aileen J. replied:
My friend Lilia L is bilingual in Russian, & we passed the CALE tight-hv PM u her contact info
Could anyone recommend a good hypnotherapist or acupuncture expert please, many thanks
Laura P. replied:
http://www.springtomind.co.uk/ Brighton Hypnotherapist - Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT www.springtomind.co.uk Spring to Mind is a therapy and coaching service in Duke Street, Brighton and Ho...ve, providing hypnotherapy, NLP and EFT, helping people across Brighton and Sussex.See More
can anyone recommend somewhere that offers acupuncture? for no specific reason other than relaxation...
I don't know what aspects might not be vegan. Also has to be safe...
I saw Chris Dance for 6 weeks Acupuncture. I feel so much better. I have changed my diet, lost weight, unintentionally, and would highly recommend him...
Can I have some recommendations for good pregnancy massage or other helpful therapies (cranio, acupuncture etc). Not for me but for doula clients. Thanks!
Alex S. replied:
Give Donna a call on 07717748852 she has given shiatsu treatments to a number of mothers to be, she also offers a birthpartner workshop to couples teaching some basic shiatsu to use whilst pregnant and during labour. Xx
Susan R. replied:
My friend Maria Gillott,has looked after very many pregnant women~ including giving them massage. She is also skilled with foods to nourish mothers through birth and afterwards. She might even be a Doula now herself. She lives in Brighton.
Riga F. replied:
Hi Elouise, I have been using Matrix Reimprinting for working with Birth Trauma and have had amazing results. If you know anyone who wants to prepare for another birth experience after a traumatic one, I'd be happy to help. Also I am starting a new Birth Vision Course for Birth preparation in February and can give you the dates if you send me your mobile number as I've lost it. Love, Riga x x
Well tomorrow I start some sessions of acupuncture. I'm looking forward to it, even with my bad experiences with needles Bodged blood tests and a bad experience in...