Washing machine repair in Clifton area? Hey people, merry Xmas to everyone.
Would like to know if anyone can recommend someone to check on a washing machine? It's...
NeverBreatheAWord replied:
If it's a Hotpoint please check the below... If it's listed don't use it, they are catching on fire atm https://washingmachinerecall.whirlpool.co.uk/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAl5 zwBRCTARIsAIrukdPNTwqNJwjsgSf8WBxWvi1OasMX-K5D4 kwMMWDDHNwfIHLPnOAnUo8 aAsJTEALw_wcB
AnAbyssInMotion replied:
Safe & Sound did me proud earlier this year. Very professional family business, went with them as they are so highly rated on Google. They came and fixed my machine in one visit and at a decent price. 0117 9639301 or 07775 831217 so the sticker on my machine tells me!
Can anyone recommend a good, local washing machine repair person? My machine flooded everywhere last night so I've had to leave it full of wet washing......aargh! Your...
Laura R. replied:
Steve Fensom is really good- 07811 141292. Really reasonable too
Sarah B. replied:
Probably Bedminster Domestic Appliances could do it. I haven't used them for a washing machine but they were very helpful when my vacuum cleaner broke.
My washing machine keeps tripping out my electrics. So not sure if I need a washing machine repair person or an electrician. But help needed
Pat H. replied:
Dan Haynes of Lec-trix, electrician, (07814 025652) and Simon Thomas of Safe and Sound (0117 9639301), for your washing machine; both have done many jobs for me and both are brilliant, I can highly recommend them. Hope you get it fixed!
It seems that our fridge and our washing machine were in a loving relationship... Just 3 weeks after our fridge died, an apparent broken heart has claimed the washing...
Andy G. replied:
I had to buy a new wash machine the other day, so if it turns out you need a new one try this lot, good service, very quick delivery etc. http://ao.com/
Any one know of a reliable appliance repair person locally?? Washing machine broken :-(
Emma D. replied:
Shaun emery appliance repairs 07814790242 he is a really good bloke xxx
Sarah C. replied:
Mike Haley Home Appliances 419302 - used him a couple of times and is very reasonable. Westfield Trading Estate. He used to sell recon machines as well I think x x x
Jude R. replied:
Ive used Mike Haley too, hes very good and cheap x
Desperately seeking a washing machine repair person! Kitchen floor is soaked, wet towels everywhere and a machine full of wet clothes. Anyone have any recommendations...