Looking for a reasonably priced computer help/repair place near campus I'm having some computer issues and have reached the end of my ability despite all the internet...
thencomesdudley replied:
There's a startup tech support company I'm working with: http://www.fyxit.net/ We'd be happy to help you with whatever issues you have. PM me directly, or send an email via the website.
rhinowing replied:
Simplified Computers on Neil. about a five minute walk from six-pack
Anonymous replied:
I'd be happy to help if I was in the area. You can shoot me a PM if you want, and I can try my best fix your problem.
djent_illini replied:
If you do not want to spend any money on repairs, check out [Makers Space](http://makerspaceurbana.org/). They will teach you how to repair your computer for free.