Who wants to suggest some new bands for me? Tell me about the good, underground talent in your area ;)
Venedict V. replied:
This please? http://vendettav.bandcamp.com/album/the-arc-of-anti-matter
Branislav P. replied:
Check out www.darkreign.nl We're on Spotify and I-tunes as well and busy composing new stuff... it's going to kick ass.
Branislav P. replied:
Well the mini-cd is called "From Grief To Greatness" and it should be available worldwide, but I'd be happy to send one to you for a review.
Gary R. replied:
check out www.reverbnation.com/garyramsey
Frank D. replied:
ME.........Crocodile Smile Inc
Jesse B. replied:
Daniel Q. replied:
www.AVisionGrotesque.com Not new persay but deff worth a listen \m/
Dustin V. replied:
There are some great bands right here in nc. I Echelon, The Ghost of You, Down To This, Waking Tera, Attracting the Fall, Creations, Fall River Massacre, Exalted, Betray Your Own, Foes of the Fallen, From Here On Out, Against Their Will, Aiccan, and i'm in a band called Heretical Lacerations.
Sean S. replied:
Meth Quarry is my favorite local Pittsburgh band, although it's not so much metal as it is hardcore with sweet layered guitars that create this almost ambient harmony sound. And what the hell, I guess I'll go ahead and be that guy... slavesbc.bandcamp.com Just check out the first song that shows up, "Place Axe to Root"
We are looking for some new live music!! Can you recommend any bands or folks that do a quality job?? If so please give us their names & where we can hear their music....
Tom W. replied:
I would love to play there. I do some originals, and a lot of older tunes covering many genres http://www.reverbnation.com/tomwilliamsproject?profile_view_source=header_icon_nav
Tom N. replied:
| Other from Granite Quarry, NC reverbnation.com
Chip D. replied:
Zachary Thompson band plays at Pfeiffer a lot and does an awesome job
I just worked with a first time client (he's also first time massage ever) and his IT Band literally felt like it was made of steel. I work in a chiropractors office so...
Jacinda D. replied:
Working Lateral glutes & TFL (both while supine) is what I was taught by Waslaski... has been effective so far...
Kerri N. replied:
I've had good result with Trigger Point Therapy/ Static Pressure
Ariana V. replied:
Ck out Save Yourself from IT Band Syndrome! by Paul Ingraham All your treatment options for Iliotibial Band Syndrome reviewed in great detail, with clear explanations of recent scientific research supporting every key point http://saveyourself.ca/tutorials/iliotibial-band-syndrome.php
Ariana V. replied:
For some excellent instruction in IT Band Work, check out Art Riggs' DVD set and manual - Deep Tissue Massage... http://www.deeptissuemassagemanual.com The manual therapy techniques in Deep Tissue Massage Manual will transform the way you do bodywork. Unlike many other massage therapist books, this training manual will be extremely useful for continuing education for both new massage practitioners and advanced massage therapists working in myofascial release, structural integration, Rolfing® physical therapy, and other forms of bodywork. This 7-volume DVD set is an encyclopedia of myofascial bodywork that gives clear demonstrations of virtually every deep tissue massage technique any professional therapist will need. The Deep Tissue Massage Manual videos have more than 11 hours of valuable educational material. Seeing the techniques performed live in real-time offers an education experience that is impossible to achieve in books alone.
Chris S. replied:
"ITB syndrome" is often times looked at from the wrong angles. One: ITB contracture. This is a misnomer. the ITB is a giant tendon, really, and tendon tissue cannot contract. The muscles that attach to it can. Thus the ITB contracture will stem from TFL (primarily) or Glute Max (rarely). These muscles should be worked first and along with other lateral thigh issues. Two: Lateral thigh pain must be ITB Syndrome. Lateral Thigh pain can come from the Vastus Lateralis (originates from Linea Aspera at the posterior aspect) directly. Assess and treat accordingly. Three: ITB goes from hip to tibia. Remember that the tissue at the distal portion will blend into the knee and have a direct affect on the patella. Four: Not looking at posture. Undo pressures can be placed upon the ITB by the rotation of the hip. Look at the pelvic girdle for alignment. Treating JUST the ITB with MFR or frictions through the "body" of the ITB will not be enough. The adjunct factors need to be assessed for their involvement and treated accordingly.
Renee E. replied:
Kady Grove it sounds like your client may have trochanteric bursitis. I have it on my right side along with sciatica pain & have the same problem. Massage helped & LOTS of stretching. In fact, that was the only thing that helped.
Beatriz M. replied:
Release TFL and gluteus max. Can be very effective on releasing the IT band.
David M. replied:
Try Bowen Therapy
Amy B. replied:
starrtool.com. This is a Graston type tool that massage therapist can use. It is wonderfully effective. It comes with an instructional DVD. Guay Sha uses he same technique. Tools can be bought on line and very easy to use. Also I have found cupping to be very effective. This pulls the IT band up away from the adhering muscles. Increases blood flow and flushes the area. You will have to outsource this unless you are already certified. I also work in a Chiro office and these are most effective for us.
[Question] Where can I find a good leather band replacement? I have an old Seiko, and it seems like Amazon doesn't really have much to offer in the leather Seiko strap...
First measure out in mm how far it is from lug to lug. What is the width of the current band where it attaches to the case? That width will be the size of the band you need to buy. I actually just found an old automatic seiko at my parents house as well and bought an 18 mm strap for it from crownandbuckle.com It was pretty good quality for $30. They even have some cheaper ones in Nato style.
zman4 replied:
I've had good results with product from watch-band-center.com. Product ships from Europe.
DickJagamo replied:
Hirsch straps are good value. Especially the Liberty strap.
Recommendations on where to have band stickers made?
Andrew W. replied:
Jakprints.com has a lot of options and different quality options.
Randy B. replied:
I've been buying from this guy for the past 16 years. Super legit. https://stickerguy.com/index.html?
Brian M. replied:
Dude, yes. Hit up my dudes at ContagiousGraphics.com. They have the best quality and fastest turnaround time out there. And I'm pretty sure theyve got better prices than almost every other sticker joint out there. Tell them He Whose Ox is Gored sent you, haha.