Hi Everyone, can someone, if you can, Recommend a rental place, once the weather gets nice out, Where my husband & i can rent a power washer to wash the aluminum siding...
Paul M. replied:
There is a place on Inman ave heading towards the salvage yards in Avenel https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&hl=en-us&ei=CXG2Wr-7G4 b5_Abih4 qIAw&q=tool+rental+on+inman+ave+avenel&oq=tool+rental+on+inman+ave+avenel&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.3...7271.8624..10687...0....90.389.5..........1..mobile-gws-wiz-serp.......30 i10.bO1 yDdFNtJQ%3D#istate=lrl:iv&rlimm=3933124721287480209
Mary K. replied:
Orlando Camillo from Roselle Park does power washing and good prices908-397-5521