Dear r/Columbus, I'm looking for good grocery stores around OSU campus. Anyone know any? I know everything around campus is 2 or 3 time more expensive than normal, so I...
doubleskeet replied:
If you are looking for independently owned and local food try Clintonville CO-Op on Calumet just north of Arcadia or Weilands Market on Indianola. They are a little North of campus but have great organic and local food. The campus farmers market is every Thursday from 4-7 pm next to the Wexner center.
sgasph replied:
Kroger's has the 10 for 10 deal. Basically random items throughout the store are only $1 each so long as you get them in multiples of 10. That's all I've got really but it's already saved me a decent chunk of change and I've only been here for a week.
Anonymous replied:
The Kroger on king and high is not that bad. The key is that you have to buy their sale items and not buy the items that they mark up a lot. I mean I think that goes for pretty much any grocery store.
Molech replied:
When I lived near Campus (Victorian Village) I was partial to the 5 th ave Giant Eagle, but thats a walk if you have no car. Stay away from the Giant Eagle down on Niel and Buttles its more expensive.
Anonymous replied:
not sure if you're looking for local or just cheap produce but [here's]( a nice guide to farmer's markets... including the one on campus. Greener Grocer@North Market is great.
CBusin replied:
If you have the means of transportation, there is a very good Kroger on Chambers road in Grandview just off Northwest north of King. I always used to go there when I lived in the area and find Kroger cheaper overall than Giant Eagle.
willdesign replied:
I frequent the High and King Kroger, and though it's convenient because it's close, I often can't find a lot of items on their shelves. They have a limited supply compared to larger stores. I usually head to the Giant Eagle in Vic Village if I need something else, and of course North Market is always full of good things but at a cost.
Whatever you do, if you're trying to save money and are flexible on brand, you can always just get whatever the manager is trying to move off the shelves that week with the special card holder deals. *spasph* mentions the 10 for 10 deal, but I've never found 10 items at a time that I've wanted/needed.
There aren't any around campus, but if you ever get around to an Aldi's have ridiculously cheap prices. If I think of anything else I'll add it.
twinkletits replied:
The Giant Eagle on Neil in Victoria Village isn't bad, there's on on N High if you're on north campus also.
samadam replied:
And if you want to get absolutely everything, go to the Kroger in Worthington, up High, before 270. Recently rebuilt, it's one of the largest grocery-only stores I know of, and very nice. There's even a liquor store inside it.