Looking for an eye doctor for my 7 year old that accepts Well Care Insurance in Covington
Toshia B. replied:
Dr Jacoby doesn't not deal with well care anymore call well care and they will give u a list of providers where they will cover. My friend just went through heck to get her daughter seen
Edna V. replied:
Covington vision center.....770_784_1172
Edna V. replied:
Dentistry for children ...700-692-1000.. this is Conyers office...not sure if they have one in Covington...but sure they can tell you
Julie F. replied:
There is a peactice in the kroger shopping center on 278 and I believe Dr. Jacoby on 278 as well
Michelle P. replied:
Dr Jacoby is great with my kids. They are 5 and 8! Yes, he is on 278 right by the Library. I have been going there for years.
Need a recommendation on a eye doctor. Any thing but Walmart.
Keren A. replied:
Covington Vision Center at Newton Plaza
Cheryl S. replied:
Dr Stacey Underwood Carson in Conyers on Parker rd.... Miliams community eye care ...
Diane D. replied:
Drs. Richard and David Carlin, MDs in Snellville. They are the tops and are not optometrist but Opthamologists. Recommend highly ...been going to them for over 3 years. Dr. David is my doctor (son). Message me if you want more info..
Athenia C. replied:
Dr. Jacoby
Melanie T. replied:
We like Dr. Jacoby - play soccer with his kids too!