Hello neighbors! I'm looking for a recommendation for a photographer who does family photo shoots. I prefer outdoor over studio. And someone who is good with...
Shannon H. replied:
One of my former coworkers really loves Jennifer Tai and has used her for both family and their children. http://www.jennifertai.com/.
April M. replied:
Bryn Turner Photography. She has a fb page and lives here in Kenmore.
Valerie Blake took my maternity photos. They turned out great. She lives in Kenmore also.
Kirsten K. replied:
Heleyna Holmes Photography (I am unable to post the site here for you). We love her.
Valerie B. replied:
I have a two year old so I am very comfortable and patient with toddlers. I live in Kenmore. https://www.facebook.com/valerieblakephotography?fref=ts
Tana I. replied:
Kathy Greisen
Patty J. replied:
Kathy Greisen
Andy D. replied:
Jessie Kennedy is F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!!!
Barb C. replied:
Elizabeth Simpson Sanders who is a coach and a parent in The Northshore Wranglers Group. I forget the name of her business but she is a photographer and at this tmie she is donating 30% of a photo shoot fee to The Wrangers . She is on Facebook so please look her up!
Krystal M. replied:
Natalie Johnson?
Eliza S. replied:
www.kerrycarty.com - Excellent and fun!
Stacey D. replied:
Kenmore resident Jeanette Eggerman is great! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jeanette-Eggerman-Photography/280043097853
Becci W. replied:
Bella McLaws did our family pictures last summer and we loved them! (Edit- she lives local now) http://www.bellamclawsphoto.com
Deirdre D. replied:
Lauren Albertshttps://www.facebook.com/laurenalbertsphotography?pnref=lhc is GREAT with children and takes pretty decent photos also.
My parents and I are looking at great photographers for senior portraits this coming year. Anyone have any suggestions?
Jenni E. replied:
Signature Image has done some fantastic work. They have a Facebook page.
Mindie R. replied:
Stacy Stout
Amy B. replied:
You can check out my work here www.facebook.com/amybrightphotography It looks like I've photographed a few of your friends senior portraits as well! ☺️
You have lots of options already, but I'll throw my name into the hat. I LOVE photographing seniors. You can see my work at Joanna Monger Photography or www.joannamonger.com
Sigrid K. replied:
Judy Quinton:)
Tim J. replied:
Jacob Gravbrot
Katherine L. replied:
Zachariah N. Orchard, at Photo Orchard. Local folks (Carnation), great to work with! https://m.facebook.com/PhotoOrchard
Derek G. replied:
Nichole Josh Gaertner is amazing and fun!
Ann M. replied:
Classic Photos By Cheryl. She does a really great job and is in Monroe. http://www.classicphotosbycheryl.com/
Michelle G. replied:
Amy Amy Wickwire Bright she is great!!! You will love her.
Janene E. replied:
Robin Woelz
Katia L. replied:
Amy Wickwire Bright
Sara S. replied:
Cassie Pepper Photography. She is a Cedarcrest graduate. She has done many sittings for friends and family. Check out her Facebook page!
I don't know your timeframe but Kirsten Verdi of Serendipity is FABULOUS and a wonderful supporter of Riverview schools as well. Lots of great option right in our valley!
Robin W. replied:
Give me a call. Robin Marie photography206-321-0185. Www.robinmariephotography.com
Celeste A. replied:
Michael Moore does GREAT work!!
Julie B. replied:
Amy Wickwire Bright took my picture a few months ago. She is on Main Street now. She is a pleasure to work with, and I love the pictures!