attention fellow gardeners: can someone point me to a place or just tell me some tips on gardening? a vegetable garden in particular.. internet isn't getting me far.also...
Ginger M. replied:
Start with this book. It's fantastic! If you're buying seeds, Fedco is wonderful and reasonably priced (they're a small worker owned company as well). Also the transfer station in town sells finished compost reasonably priced to get you started. tVx2%7 cdm&pcrid=70112893392&pkw=&pmt=&plc=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuP-H_t_s2QIV2JJ-Ch1 tmw0TEAQYASABEgJp8 fD_BwE#isbn=0898157676&idiq=3443324