Does anyone know about a good 5E character builder? Making characters has been my favorite part of the game so far, but I really want a digital resource. Wizards keeps...
inuvash255 replied:
*Nice try, Wizards*. Seriously though, I've tried finding one for my own use, but found none. I think that anything that was good is down at this point.
ImaffoI replied:
Sorry bud, it looks like we are fairly starved on good automatic character builders. The only thing i can offer you is my improved steps for character creation:
step number | Description
**0**|**Think of a background or archetype for your character.**
**1**|**Choose your race, fill in your racial traits, speed and languages.**
**2** | **Choose your class, fill in your class traits.**
**3** |**Choose a background, fill in your features and additional languages.**
**4**| **Fill in for what saves and skills you are proficient.** You find your saves proficiencies in your class description, and your skills proficiencies in your class and background descriptions.
**5**| **Choose what your ability scores** (either roll them, take the standard array, or point buy them) **are for what ability, add race and level bonuses.**
**6**| **Fill in your saves** (ability modifier+ proficiency modifier if proficient) **and skills bonusses** (ability modifier+ proficiency modifier if proficient).
**7**| **Fill in your hit dice,** (seen in class description) **and determine hit points.** (one full hit dice +constitution modifier at first level, then roll a hit dice + constitution modifier per additional level)
**8**| **Calculate your passive perception** (10+ perception skill modifier).
**9**|**Choose/ buy your equipment.** (see your class description)
**10**|**Calculate armor class** (also called ac), **fill in your weapons and their attack bonus.**
**11**| (Only for spellcaster like wizards,clerics etc) **choose your spells, determine your spell modifier and save Difficulty Class.** (for all see class description)
Anonymous replied:
on the app store is the fifth edition character sheet app if you want it on pc you can use blue stacks
KypDurron replied:
[Pathguy]( was "granted specific permission by WoTC to publish and distribute" some of his character generators, but the 5 e generator only uses info from the Basic Rules, since they're free to download anyway. Still, it's a start.
boomstik101 replied:
[This response was removed due to a Cease and Desist letter from Wizards of the Coast^® ]
DocMustache replied:
The Android app is pretty damn good.
SpousalSwine replied:
If you have an android device, I suggest going to google play and looking up " Fifth Edition Character Sheets " its picture is of a green d20. It is absolutely amazing in my opinion. Only 1 st level is free, but it has all the official races and classes including death cleric, and the new race options. It only took one day after the source material came out for them to add it. Im very impressed with them.
KiloGex replied:
> because there are a lot of steps in the PHB
I'm pretty sure there's only 5 steps in the Handbook to create your character; ability stats, race, class, background, and equipment. In fact, this is hands down the simplest edition to create a character in. My first suggestion is always learning how build a character from the books first, because it's really the only way you can actually understand the mechanics involved and whether or not everything is accurate (always have a friend check your math!).
Mainly, the reason that WotC keeps taking them down is because they don't want the information in books for purchase online for free. As for why they haven't released their own yet... Well I have no answer for that, but I'm pretty sure it's because D&D Insider didn't do very well for them; it was plagued with bugs and various issues, not to mention the constant updating that would be required with all of the supplements and such that are released. How do you figure out who has already purchased what product? Do you give them the Elemental Evil build info without actually purchasing the books? And how do you figure out if they've purchased the books to unlock the information on the builder?
evilalien16 replied:
If you use the internet wayback machine pathguy's dndnext character generator is available, except the rules are for from an older version of beta, so not everything is correct.
ForgedAnvil replied:
Another excellent 5 th Edition D&D resource for DMs and players alike is the ForgedAnvil 5E D&D Character Generator -