I've posted this before but can't find it, I'm in desperate need of fire wood, looking for a cord, does anyone still have some for sale if so how much? Please let me...
Dale Z. replied:
Daniel Schaffrick
Joyce H. replied:
Try Stanley Burr. 345-3578
Terry M. replied:
Jack & Lisa Weise - 860-345-2529. Using them over 15 years.
Dylan I. replied:
David Moyher
Amber G. replied:
$250 is not a lot in the winter. You will usually only see it cheaper when you buy on the off season or you are buying terrible wood. Look up the stanly burr or Jack Weiss on line. Both people will deliver and have been doing this for a long time.
Any local recommendations for buying seasoned firewood?
Ej A. replied:
Wiese Enterprises LLC Jack and Lisa Wiese
Terry M. replied:
Jack & Lisa Wiese
Michelle M. replied:
Agree - Jack and Lisa Wiese
Joe R. replied:
Andy Annino sells wood.
Joanne L. replied:
Jack and Lisa!
Connor M. replied:
If you still need firewood or need some at any point call cj's landscapes at 860-759-7256 Cord spilt seasoned delivered $225 cash or $225 check Half cord $110 cash only