Has anyone, ever, successfully secured a lawyer and sued a hospital for medical error?
Are chances better if you build a case around. Certain Physician?
Statute is...
Melissa B. replied:
The only attorneys I know about are the Fred Levin law firm in Pensacola. I'm hoping they can give you some guidance on where to go in your state (if nothing else.)
Robin E. replied:
oops, hit send without giving you my number... 216-687-0900
Suzan S. replied:
This hospital was sued after knowingly allowing a bad surgeon repeatedly harm patients and do unnecessary surgeries: http://hanfordsentinel.com/news/local/adventist-paid-millions-to-settle-claims-against-doctor/article_0 a4 f3 bc6-22 a4-11 e1-b9 c2-001871 e3 ce6 c.html
I definitely need to find a new doctor! Anyone have any suggestions?
Cherice L. replied:
I worked for a female pgysician named Dr Tasha Scott-Tomlinson who's really good with her patients. She's very knowledgeable, listens to her patients and takes her time when it comes to giving accurate results plus shes very prompt.
I need to find a good doctor for my niece who accepts medi cal blue Shield. She is just starting her recovery from drugs. Need to find a doctor in Tulare county.......