So the 'Ole Laptop Has Had a Mechanical Failure..Any Recommendations for Computer Repair Shops in Henderson?
Anonymous replied:
Depending on the mechanical failure, I could fix it for you (for cost of parts plus like $20). I love taking apart computers and have been doing it forever. Can you give me a brief rundown of the issues?
dime_rules replied:
Sounds like bad ram
brainmusic replied:
Can you give us some more details about the type of computer and type of issues you are having with it? Is it a Mac or PC? Is it a screen issue or hdd issue or no power, etc.
sezzme replied:
[PC Laptops.](,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44158598,d.cGE&biw=1032&bih=692&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=pc+laptops+henderson&fb=1&gl=us&hq=pc+laptops&hnear=0 x80 c8 c9 ae1 f5 f4291:0 xef1 b2 a38 ca2061 b5,Henderson,+NV&cid=0,0,10467123037974844532&sa=X&ei=QGxKUYyELYaYiQKfmoCYCg&ved=0CK0BEPwSMAE) They've rescued my ancient Thinkpad from oblivion more than once. Awesome shop.
I'm looking for computer repair please let me know where and if you recommend them or dont.
John D. replied:
Crisfield Computers has no plans on moving away from Crisfield. This is purely a trip to compare what we sell o other small computer retail and we are always trying to network and find better deals on products.
By July 1-5, my computer repair and upgrading will be closed for the week. I'll be out of town to California for work. And also be studying for my finals for July 7th....
if anyone needs their computer fixed please let me know i just got a job at a computer repair place and i'll do it really cheap because i need the practice