Looking for an honest and reasonable appliance repair person. Any suggestions?
Frank T. replied:
From the HipD Approved list...Jerry is a great guy http://www.hipdonelson.com/hip-d-approved/wpbdm-category/appliance-repair-used-sales/ Like ยท Jun 14, 2013
Frank T. replied:
From the HipD Approved list...Jerry is a great guy http://www.hipdonelson.com/hip-d-approved/wpbdm-category/appliance-repair-used-sales/
Tammy H. replied:
Advance Appliance in Donelson on Air Lane Drive. Doug Harris, owner, great guy, knows and repairs all brands. 615-884-8428. My former employer.
Does anyone know a good appliance repairman in the Hendersonville area? Our dryer still isn't working quite right.
Julie H. replied:
My Mother-in-law used Helping Hands(824-6442) and really liked them. A few years ago we used Corlew Appliance Repair in Gallatin. They've been around for a long time 451-3661. Be advised: Stay FAR away from A&E Appliance repair! Glad to see Adam is home again!
Does anyone know a good appliance repair service, or anyone selling a dryer, or better yet a washer dryer set?? All of the appliance repair in Hendersonville has...