Looking for recommendations for a local chiropractor who works on pregnant women. Thank you!!
Martha K. replied:
Dr. Laura Brayton. Swear by her. She also works with infants too!! HIGHLY recommended.
Janelle D. replied:
Dr. Frio office on 14 th and wash. Amazing.
Alycia B. replied:
Dr. Frio is good and has the right table for being able to lay face down. I also recommend Dr. Orlando (same office as Frio) for pre and post natal physical therapy.
Laura F. replied:
I've heard so many great things about Dr. Laura Brayton in my prenatal/new mom groups from the likes of birth educators and doulas.:)
Looking for a good Chiropractor in the Union, Bergen, Hudson County area- please if anyone can recommend one that takes Blue Cross Blue Shield- greatly appreciated = )
Anyone know of a great chiropractor in #hoboken??? I really messed up my back and its been over a week getting worse then better :( Any suggestions would be greatly...
Nancy S. replied:
I know a great Chiropractor in Columbus Circle. Dr. Janet Shefts:) My Sister